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The Centre for Spiritual Renewal Information & FAQ

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church 20955 Old Yale Rd Langley, BC, V3A 7P8 Canada (map)


What is the Centre at St. Andrews?

The Centre for SPIRITUAL RENEWAL is a Christian Formation coalition begun at the Parish of St. Dunstan’s and now expanding to St Andrew’s. Its aim is to support people on their spiritual journeys using both the riches of the Christian spiritual tradition and new spiritual practices. The Centre invites all people to come together for intentional time with God to gain insight, growth, and healing, in community and for the world.

 Why do we want a Centre?

At St. Andrew’s we have a strong desire to grow in God’s grace, to be a place where others come to encounter God’s loving presence, and to experience a genuine faith community. The opportunities that the Centre provides will help deepen our own spiritual journeys and invite others who may want to connect with us in a way that is meaningful for them.

 How does the Centre work?

The Centre will be a combination of existing spiritual formation gatherings at St. Andrew’s and some new opportunities to come together. Some of the events will simply be drop in so people can feel free to come and go as works for their schedules. If there is a special event, people will register and, if there is a registration fee, pay the suggested donation. Scholarships will be provided so all may come.

 Who is involved in our Centre?

All of us! The leadership of St. Andrew’s has decided to explore this idea and to try a few things, just to see what happens. Together, members of the parish and some specialized facilitators will offer spiritual practices, studies, workshops, and prayer opportunities for all of us, our families, our friends, and others in the community.

 What Centre events are coming up?

Sunday, January 2, 2022 is a Potluck Lunch after church to celebrate the Centre’s new beginning, along with Epiphany Prayer Stations for all to enjoy after the meal.

 Weekly Gatherings:   Bible Study on Tuesdays, Yoga on Wednesdays, and Thursday Morning Eucharists, with an added spiritual practice component.

 Prayer Practice Sampler, Saturday, January 15, (10am-noon) Together we will explore and practice some old and new spiritual practices. We will spend time in quiet, in reflection, and in community!

 Saturday, January 29   The Spiritual Practice of Chanting (4:30pm) as well as a time of Sung Evening Prayer (6pm) –

The last Saturday of each month will offer a variety of spiritual practices along with a time of quiet worship and song. This month is Chanting with Andrew.

 Details of events and gatherings are available at and in the newsletter. Watch for invitations to share with friends.

 How can I take part?

It takes many people as we open our hands, hearts, and doors wider to invite others in. You can help by setting up gathering spaces, welcoming participants who have registered, baking snacks, or facilitating something that you are passionate about! And most of all – come and enjoy what is emerging here at St. Andrew’s. Our lives and hearts are the best invitation of all! See Andrew, Helen, Joanie, or Lorie to register or for more information.

 All who desire to follow Christ and grow more in the image of God are welcome. All who are on a spiritual journey are welcome. All who are curious are welcome. All who are tired and need rest are welcome. All are welcome.