Children on Sunday Mornings
We encourage children who come to Sunday morning worship to participate in various part of the service including carrying the cross, candles etc. in the opening procession, collecting the offering, assisting with Eucharist, and so on.
During the service, there is a quiet play area near the front of the church with soft toys, colouring, and books. We also have a supervised children’s room with some some toys, craft activities and sometimes a movie or video.
Children are welcome to receive communion at St Andrew’s.
This is a monthly event geared towards families with children. We offer games, crafts, storytelling and family prayer stations. We celebrate the Eucharist picnic-style and share a meal. Those without children are invited too!
St Andrew’s is working with St Dunstan’s in Aldergrove and with the Diocese of New Westminster to ensure a number of events for youth and young people around the Lower Mainland. If your teen is interested, please contact the office!

Baptism is a sacrament that invites and welcomes candidates into their church family and into the new life offered by Jesus. Our church baptizes children and adults during our main service on Sunday mornings. Candidates, parents and/or sponsors (godparents) are invited to participate in instruction in the time leading up to a baptism. Please contact the office to discuss how you or your loved one might be baptized at St Andrew’s.
Confirmation is a sacrament that draws us more deeply into the Christian Life and into the life of the church community. Our church invites people to be confirmed, to reaffirm their confirmation vows, or to be received by the Anglican Church from another denomination. This can happen either at St Andrew’s or in a Diocese wide service at the Cathedral in Vancouver. Candidates are invited to participate in instruction in the time leading up to Confirmation. Please contact the office to discuss how you or your loved one might be Confirmed.
Weddings at St Andrew’s are in the Anglican tradition, and our priest will act as the officiant. We require one member of the couple to be a baptized Christian, and for the couple to attend a marriage preparation program. People of all genders and sexual orientations are invited to be married at St Andrew’s. Please contact the office to discuss celebrating your wedding at St Andrew’s.
Services at St Andrew’s are in the Anglican tradition, and our priest will act as your officiant. We can supply a musician as well as space for a small reception. Please contact the office to discuss how we might best celebrate the life of your family member.