Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging
1:30 PM13:30

Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and reflect together on the gifts and challenges of aging. We’ll wonder about spiritual practices that help us engage with the past, the present, and the future, and we’ll reflect on what it means to be an elder in these peculiar times. We’ll wrap up the afternoon with a brief sung evening prayer.

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Annual Vestry Meeting
11:15 AM11:15

Annual Vestry Meeting

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every year, we meet in February to celebrate what we have accomplished, and to set new goals for the coming year. This year, our topics of conversation will be property development plans and possibilities, licensed lay ministries, and staffing the church. Please join us in the church after the 10am service and bring some food to share!

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Spiritual Practice Retreat: Mary, Martha, and the Spiritual Practice of Hospitality
1:30 PM13:30

Spiritual Practice Retreat: Mary, Martha, and the Spiritual Practice of Hospitality

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

February 24th is our next Spiritual Practice Retreat. Come and explore the topic of Mary, Martha and the Spiritual Practice of Hospitality.

The retreat is from 1:30pm to 4.45pm, which includes the beautiful Evening Prayer service. These Spiritual Practice Retreats offer tremendous opportunities for both spiritual and community growth.

Coffee, tea and snacks are served during these peaceful afternoons of wondering and learning together.

There's still time to register! Just call the office (604.534.6514) or email (standrewslangley@shaw.ca) to let us know you plan to attend.

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Family Eucharist Service
4:30 PM16:30

Family Eucharist Service

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us on Saturday afternoon for our regular Family Eucharist. This month we will be preparing for Lent by baking pretzels, setting up a calendar for Spiritual Practices through Lent, receiving the sign of Ashes, reading about Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, and celebrating communion pic-nic style! Whew!

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Spiritual Practice Retreat: The Women in Matthew's Genealogy
2:00 PM14:00

Spiritual Practice Retreat: The Women in Matthew's Genealogy

Come for an afternoon of restful contemplation as we explore the stories of the women mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy from the Gospel of Matthew.

Tamar: In the book of Genesis, Tamar was the daughter in law of Judah (twice), as well as the mother of two of his children: the twins, Perez and Zerah. Tamar first marries Judah’s eldest son who, because of his wickedness, is killed by God. Judah askes his second son to provide offspring for Tamar so that the family line might continue. The story gets more complicated from there…

Rahab: Rahab was, according to the Book of Joshua, a Gentile woman who lived in Jericho in the Promised Land and assisted the Israelites by hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack. In the New Testament, she is lauded both as an example of a saint who lived by faith, and as someone considered righteous for her works. According to biblical research, the author intended that she did not actually contribute to conquering the city, but rather saved herself and her family from death by the Israelites’ forces.

Ruth: Ruth is the person after whom the book of Ruth is named. She was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite. After the death of all the male members of her family (her husband, her father in law, and her brother in law), she stays with her mother in law, Naomi, and moves to Judah with her, where Ruth wins the love and protection of a wealthy relative through her kindness. She is the great-grandmother of David.

Bathsheba: Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David, according to the Hebrew Bible. She was the mother of Solomon, who succeeded David as king, making her the Gebirah (queen mother). She is best known for the Biblical narrative in which she was summoned by King David, who had seen her bathing and lusted after her.

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Christmas Eve Service
7:00 PM19:00

Christmas Eve Service

Come and celebrate Christmas with us!

The St Andrew’s Choir has been working hard this season, and is ready to sing some beautiful Christmas music with you.

We’ll tell the story of Christmas and have Communion too!

All ages are invited.

If you would like to join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/919477422

Or phone in at:
778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422

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Spiritual Practice Retreat: CANCELLED
2:00 PM14:00

Spiritual Practice Retreat: CANCELLED

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello friends,

Just a short note that we have decided to cancel our Advent Retreat this year. I only have one person signed up in the book, and a couple of others who usually come to these retreats have let me know that they can’t make it this time.

This will be the last time one of these Saturday retreats will be offered at St Andrew’s. Going forward, you are all invited to join the Tuesday night Bible Study which will begin again on Tuesday, January 9th at 7pm on Zoom. The Zoom link is the same one as for the Sunday morning services.

Thanks everyone! Hope to see you in church soon.


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Spiritual Practice Retreat: The Sacraments
1:00 PM13:00

Spiritual Practice Retreat: The Sacraments

Come and spending some time contemplating the Sacraments of the church. The Anglican Church celebrates two official sacraments, Baptism and Eucharist, but we will spend some time with the minor sacraments: Confirmation, Reconciliation, Healing, Ordination, and Marriage.

At 4pm, we will have a sung evening prayer service.

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Family Eucharist Service
4:30 PM16:30

Family Eucharist Service

Please consider inviting and bringing any of the younger members of your family, either children or grandchildren, to our special Family Eucharist this coming Saturday. We’ll be reading the beatitudes and praying for peace at home and peace around the world. We’ll also be teaching people how to make rope!

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St Andrew's Fall Sale!
9:00 AM09:00

St Andrew's Fall Sale!

Join us at the church for our revitalized Fall Sale!

For the first time since the pandemic St Andrew’s is putting on a Fall Sale.

We’ll have the regular assortment of attic treasures and garage sale items, but we’ll also be joined by some outside vendors, Rob & Andrew’s Repair Shop, and little concession with snacks and hotdogs.

Stay tuned as more information becomes available.

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Spiritual Practice Retreat: Mini-Walk for Reconciliation
1:00 PM13:00

Spiritual Practice Retreat: Mini-Walk for Reconciliation

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mini-Walk for Reconciliation at the Doubleday Arboretum

Join Andrew at the Church on the last Saturday of the month, Saturday, September 30 1pm-4:30 for a special retreat to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. At 1pm we’ll gather and pray and then watch a documentary on reconciliation in Canada. Following this at 2:30, we’ll head outside and cross the highway to walk through the Doubleday Arboretum pausing to remember, pray, and cultivate hope for the future. We’ll gather back at the church at 4pm for Sung Evening Prayer.

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Welcome Back BBQ!
11:30 AM11:30

Welcome Back BBQ!

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome Back to a new season of worship & service at St Andrew’s, Langley!

Our 10am service this Sunday will be oriented towards children and families. And after church we’ll have hotdogs and hamburgers and other treats!

Everyone is invited to bring a salad or a dessert to share. The church will provide meat, buns, condiments and drinks.

Come say hello to everyone you missed over the summer!

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Choir Start Up!
9:00 AM09:00

Choir Start Up!

  • St Andrew's Anglican Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you ready to sing?

The St Andrew’s Church Choir leads music during worship every Sunday and also at special services throughout the year. If you love music and would like to be a part of this important ministry, please speak to Andrew or Maureen, or just show up at the Church at 9am on Sunday, September 10!

No auditions necessary. Singers of all skill levels are welcome.

The choir rehearses at 9am every Sunday before the services, and then occasional Monday evenings at 7pm. In September, the choir will first meet on Monday the 18th.

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Summer Barbecue after Church!
11:30 AM11:30

Summer Barbecue after Church!

On Sunday, June 25th, we will have a Family Eucharist celebration at the 10am Sunday service. This means we’ll have storytelling and and wondering time instead of the traditional readings and sermon, sing and say some repeat-after-me prayers and songs, and have a picnic Eucharist.

After the church service, we’ll host a barbecue on the church lawn. We’ll have hotdogs and hamburgers, as well as a couple of vegetarian options, and the church will provide drinks. Everyone is invited to bring a salad or a dessert to share.

Don’t forget a lawn chair and some sunscreen!

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Family Eucharist Service at the Lake!
2:00 PM14:00

Family Eucharist Service at the Lake!

Family Picnic at the Lake

Coming soon is our next Family Service which will be at the Lake this time!

If possible, please let us know if you are coming so we have enough food and supplies.

Here are the details…

Theme: Gathering together to celebrate Pentecost!

Date: Saturday, June 3

Time: Lake/Beach is open at 2:00 pm – Activities start at 4:30 with BBQ to follow.

Location: Lorie & Dwight’s home, 2039 Carol Road, Lindell Beach (Cultus Lake).

(Drive Columbia Valley Road past Cultus Lake town and campgrounds. Turn RIGHT just before the ‘General Store’ sign at the end of Maple Bay campground. Drive down Lindell Avenue to 10th Street, turn LEFT and drive across Carol Road into our driveway. We will help direct parking. Call 604-217-6966 if needed.)

Bring: Lawn chairs, sun wear/screen, friends & family

Looking forward to being together with water & woods, fire & fun and YOU!

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Sound Meditation & Labyrinth - an afternoon retreat
1:30 PM13:30

Sound Meditation & Labyrinth - an afternoon retreat

Maria will bring her singing bowls & sound intstruments to offer us a time of sound meditation & healing. Maria says, “My passion for sound healing is holding space for sacred spiritual experiences for people who participate. It’s always my intention for people to encounter God through the session.” She is a certified sound healer working with individuals and groups to reduce stress and anxiety. This healing modality offers a ‘cellular message’ that brings warmth & calm. We will also enjoy walking the labyrinth with the gift of healing sound for our journey. (An indoor labyrinth is available if weather is wet :)

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Family Eucharist Service & Supper
4:30 PM16:30

Family Eucharist Service & Supper

Family Eucharist is a monthly gathering where families, teens, and children of all ages are welcome to participate in the liturgy, enjoy the activities and share a meal together. A highlight is the Picnic Eucharist. Bring your children, friends & neighbors, and grandkids!

This month we will be celebrating Easter. We will have some trees and flowers to plant outside, some art projects to work on inside and other surprises…

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Holy Saturday Retreat - Accompanying Jesus and Mary Magdalene
10:00 AM10:00

Holy Saturday Retreat - Accompanying Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Facilitated by Heather Ruce

In collaboration with The Contemplative Society (Cynthia Bourgeault)

Holy Saturday marks Jesus’ journeys into the heart of the earth in which he not only encounters the most constricted, cut off and hurt states of human consciousness in the collective false self but allows love to reach them and weave them into the whole. Meanwhile Mary Magdalene, the Tower, keeps vigil with a heart open in love as Jesus enters this pivotal point in the passion events, the outcome of which is still unknown to her. We are invited to enter this day from a wisdom point of view opening ourselves to the possibility of embodying the postures of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the context of our very own lives.


Join us at the Centre for Spiritual Renewal for a contemplative wisdom retreat in which we engage this sacred day with our minds, feelings, and body through teaching, reflection and shared wisdom practices.


Heather is a wisdom spiritual director companioning individuals and facilitating wisdom practice circles, groups, retreats, and wisdom schools focused on learning and practicing the Christian Wisdom Tradition. She offers teaching and guidance in various wisdom and mindfulness practices including Centering Prayer, Christian meditation, sacred chanting, lectio divina, conscious work and embodiment in service of waking up and putting on the mind of Christ. Find out more at heatherruce.com. 

Fee: $0 - $100. Give from the heart so all may come! Lunch and refreshments are provided. 

Register: https://www.contemplative.org/events/upcoming-events/holy-saturday-event-in-langley-b-c/

Contact: St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Langley BC.  604.534.6514  standrewslangley.ca 

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