Stewardship at St Andrew’s for 2023
Into the church…
As we begin to look forward to 2023, we are celebrating that we have been able to have regular worship services and activities in the church now, for over a year. While the Covid pandemic has not ended, as we had hoped it would, we have been able to meet safely for worship and social gatherings.
Looking Back at 2022
This past year has seen us accomplish many of the goals we set out at the beginning of the year. Our major renovation project was completed this summer, significantly changing, and updating the interior of a major part of the church building. The new paint, flooring and lighting all look great, and it was fun having Café Church services in the Hall for the summer.
Throughout the year we offered our in person regular services but also continued to provide access to our 10 am Sunday service through Zoom to those who were unable to come in person. New technology has allow us to present the services on the new large TV screens.
In July, we were pleased to re-welcome Rev. Lorie Martin to our ministry team. Lorie is now our assistant curate working part time for us and part time for St Thomas in Chilliwack.
100 years of St Andrew’s…
In September we invited members of the parish and community to celebrate St Andrew’s 100th birthday by having a lovely 1920’s themed picnic and dedication service for the completed renovations.
Family Eucharist in October…
This fall we introduced a monthly Family Service mid month on Saturday afternoon. Young families today have a difficult time managig their busy schedules and we thought this would be an opportunity to gather this group together. At the October service we had over 40 people in attendance with 25 young people ranging in age from 2 to 15. Games, a picnic communion and pizza provided a great time for all.
We have also continued to hold monthly Parish Council meetings through Zoom, allowing everyone to attend even if they are out of town.
Weekly Yoga has continued, and anyone who feels like joining on Wednesday evenings is welcome.
We have continued to reach out to the community by increasing our social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and our website
The church has been able to continue to operate smoothly this year. Our operating revenues to the end of September were $126,924 and our expenses were $132,630. ($3,845 of assessment payments were “waived” by the Diocese in the first quarter of 2022). Like everyone we have experienced an increase in costs this year, particularly in building and grounds costs, including gas, electricity, and building maintenance. We hope that increased donations to the end of the year will cover this deficit.
Our Building Fund was at $12,000 at the end of September after the renovations were completed for a net cost of $64,500 ($30,000 of which was provided by a diocesan grant.) In addition, to the renovations we had to replace an old hot water tank and just recently we discovered a broken skylight over the nursery which will need replacing at an expected cost of around $4,000. Before we can undertake any further renovations, we will need to rebuild our building fund to at least $40,000.
Plans for 2023
As we look forward to 2023, we will continue to develop plans to grow our congregation, be more visible in the community and provide the opportunity for worship and spiritual growth to both our congregation and the community of Langley.
This past year has seen a significant change in our congregation as several key members moved away. This included Joanie and Carl Markwart, and Helen Lingham, all who played a significant role in the successful operation and growth of St. Andrews. The good news is that every week has seen new worshippers come in and join us. We want to welcome our new members and we hope to see continued growth in 2023.
We are currently looking at our church operations and planning on how we will move forward. In the office, we are taking some time in reflection and discernment before we attempt to replace the irreplaceable Joanie. We have already been able find a new Envelope Secretary replacing Carl. Sherry Wright, St Dunstan’s Parish Administrator has agreed to do the role for us, as she does for St Dunstan’s.
We are also preparing to say goodbye to Jonathan Decolongon as our parish musician at Christmas time this year and are working hard to find a suitable replacement before he leaves.
Outside games at the Family Eucharist…
We are really excited about the potential of adding more young families to our congregation. Activities like a monthly Family Service and reinitiating Sunday School for the children are on the list. We have applied for a 3-year Parish Development Grant from the Diocese. With this money we want to hire a part time Children’s Ministry Assistant who would focus on developing activities for the growing number of children.
Lorie serving communion…
Rev. Lorie Martin will continue bring her passion for spiritual renewal to St Andrew’s and of course Bible Studies and regular worship services (with Zoom) will continue.
We are considering building a vegetable and fruit garden on the church grounds and hopefully growing enough items to be able to supply the Food Bank or other groups in need. We planted 4 apple trees in October as a start.
Tree planting in October…
Tree planting in October…
2023 Stewardship
The first goal of this Stewardship campaign is to ensure that we continue to receive the revenues necessary to sustain church operations and repay our debts.
We currently owe the Diocese about $32,000 for outstanding past assessments. Over the last 6 years this has been reduced by $65,000. One of our goals (though not included in the preliminary budget) will be to raise enough funds to repay an additional $10,000 on our diocesan loan at the end of 2023.
Our preliminary operating budget for 2023 is $179,000. We know some of our operating costs will increase next year as utilities and salaries are all expected to rise. We believe this is a realist budget to begin our 2023 plan, taking into consideration the uncertainties of inflation and revenues. We have included $15,000 for Parish Development in the form of Children’s Ministry with an expected balancing contribution from a Parish Development Grant. We do not expect any Diocesan assistance in reduced assessments in 2023 and we have lost several significant donors over the past 3 years. Final budgets will be prepared for Vestry in February, once we have reviewed pledges and year end finances.
As far as major expenses are concerned, we would like to start rebuilding the Building Fund to ensure we have enough to cover any emergency costs (a minimum of $15,000) and prepare for the next phase of the building renovations. The next phase will include replacing the flooring in the offices, lounge and bathrooms. The final step will be replacing the flooring in the two halls. The cost for this work has yet to be determined but preliminary thoughts are that this will cost around $40,000 to $50,000. Our target for 2023 would be to increase our Building Fund by $21,000.
This will bring our total budget for 2023 to $200,000.
Why do you come to St Andrew’s?
This Fall, Rev. Andrew asked Parish Council to prepare a 1-minute statement they would tell someone as to why they come to St Andrew’s. This is a great question for all of us to consider. Why do you come to and support St Andrew’s?
A humorous answer may be found in comedian Robin William’s top 10 reasons to be an Episcopalian (Anglican):
10. No snake handling.
9. You can believe in dinosaurs.
8. Male and female God created them; male and female we ordain them.
7. You don’t have to check your brains at the door.
6. Pew aerobics.
5. Church year is color-coded.
4. Free wine on Sunday.
3. All of the pageantry – none of the guilt.
2. You don’t have to know how to swim to get baptized.
And the Number One reason to be an Anglican:
1. No matter what you believe, there’s bound to be at least one other Anglican who agrees with you.
Your Support
For St Andrew’s to continue to grow and provide a spiritual home for the Anglican community in Langley, we will need your help. We hope that everyone in the congregation supports us in believing that this is what God is calling us to do. As always, we are planning for 2023 with still a significant amount of uncertainty.
Please take the time to consider everything you have read about our achievements and plans going forward, and consider what additional donations you might be able to give in the rest of 2022 to help reduce the current deficit in both our operating and building accounts.
Then, please think ahead to 2023. For all of us, including St Andrew’s there are economic realities to consider including inflation and a potential recession. However, for the church to be able to support our community, we need to be able to balance our costs, with donations from you.
Please complete the attached pledge form, indicating what you believe you will be able to give to support St Andrew’s in 2022.
In addition, we need to increase the number of volunteers and participants working in our Ministries. In 2023, think about trying something new. Join a bible study, come to a Spiritual Renewal activity, join yoga, volunteer to help with building or yard maintenance, work in the Altar Guild, make coffee Sunday mornings, sign up to be a reader, help with the children’s lessons on Sunday mornings, join the choir. Parish Council is always looking for new members.
Please print and complete the attached pledge form and return it to the church by Sunday November 27, 2022.
If you wish to complete the form online and email it to the church office that would also be fine. It will be forwarded to Sherry Wright our Envelope Secretary.
The primary purpose of this pledge form is to have you think about what you will be able to share in time, talent, and money and secondly to help us develop a viable plan for 2023.
The view from the renovated altar at Thanksgiving…
Contact Information
20955 Old Yale Road
Langley, B.C., V3A 7P8
Web site: