Newsletter - Thursday, February 24
Sunday 8:00 am Said Eucharist Service
Sunday 10:00 am Sung Eucharist Service
Tuesday 7:00 pm Online Bible Study
Come join our Tuesday night Bible Study group for a five-week exploration of a Christian response to Mental Illness. In this time together we will learn to become more aware of our own biases and prejudices about people with mental illness, to become more comfortable understanding and talking about mental illness, and how to support people who experience mental illness and their families.
The dates are March 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, and April 5th.
The Bible Study Zoom link is:
Wednesday 7:00 pm Ash wednesday service
In person and online. The Zoom link is:
Yoga is cancelled for this week and will resume March 9
Thursday 10:00 am Eucharist
Thursday 10:30 am Spiritual Practice: 40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group
This Week’s Worship
Sunday, February 27
Please join us for in-person services
(please remember to wear a mask and to social distance)
8 am Said Eucharist Service
10 am Sung Eucharist Service
or you can join at 10 am on Zoom
The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is:
You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422
Sign up sheet for flower donation
Sign up sheet for readers and prayers
Restarting coffee hour - we are going to start coffee time up again in a couple of weeks. we will need people to sign up to help with setting up, bringing goodies and cleaning up.
2021 Financials went out via email. Vestry is Sunday, February 27 at 11:30 am.
Ash Wednesday Service March 2 at 7 pm - online and in person.
Spiritual Practices
The Thursday practices for March will be:
Feb 24 - Apr 7 40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group
The Saturday practice for March will be:
Mar 26 Hymns We Love and Why – Facilitated by Rev. Andrew Halladay
Lent Study & Prayer
40-Day Welcoming Prayer Practice
Welcoming Prayer Practice is an embodied spiritual practice of meeting God with our anxiety, fear, pain, etc. by letting go and consenting to the Indwelling Spirit. This ‘Consent on the Go’ provides a means for moving deeper into trust and intimacy with the living God. We will be following Thomas Keating’s 40-day guidebook to open to God’s presence and action in the midst of everyday life.
Together we will meet on
Thursday mornings at 10:00 – 11:30 am.
There is no charge for the practice group.
40-Day Practice Booklets are $20 - Scholarships are available to all. Please Register with Joanie online or by telephone.
We are pleased to announce that Langley Meals on Wheels will be renting our Lounge starting in March. They are also pleased to have such a big parking lot for their volunteer drivers. We are extremely happy to be sharing space with such a wonderful organization that does such important work! Please make them feel welcome!
Is your family looking to get away this summer to a place where the sun shines, children play freely and adults find soulful nourishment with others who are also looking for meaningful experiences? You'll find relaxation and peace here at Sorrento Centre - time to engage in lively conversations, time to read a book in the shade of beautiful trees or go for a dip in crystal clear lake water, and time to gather with family and friends around the campfire in the evening.
Find the perfect program for you and your family here at Sorrento Centre this summer. Click here to take a look at the variety of courses and the amazing leaders who bring rich and dynamic programming challenging the way we think and act in the world around us.