Newsletter - Thursday, November 18
We welcome everyone to seek spiritual growth through Jesus Christ, and to be instruments of
God’s love to all people.
Parish Mission Statement
phone: 604-534-6514
This Week’s Worship
Sunday, November 21
Please join us for in-person services
8 am Said Eucharist Service
10 am Sung Eucharist Service
or you can still join at 10 am on Zoom
Please mute yourself when joining and if you experience any trouble or want to bring our attention to something not working please type a message in the chat feature.
The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is:
You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422
A PDF bulletin is also available for a Book of Alternative Services Morning Prayer for Fall 2021. Click below.
Our 2022 Stewardship Campaign has begun and will run until November 28.
Please click on the Stewardship Plan 2022 Campaign and the 2022 pledge form buttons below for Stewardship information.
“Please take the time to consider everything you have read, consider what additional donations you might be able to give in 2021 and complete the attached pledge form, indicating what you believe you will be able to give to support St Andrew’s in 2022.”
St. Andrew’s Centre for Spiritual Renewal will launch in the new year. If you want a taste try these upcoming Advent Events happening at St. Dunstan’s. Click on the links below to register.
Advent Quiet Morning Retreat
Facilitators: Rev. Helen Tervo and Rev. Lorie Martin
Sat. Nov 27, 9 am – 12 pm
Mary – An Icon of the Christian
Spiritual Practice Evening
Sun. Dec. 5, 7 – 8:30 pm
2022 Canadian Church Calendar
Copies are on sale from the church office. $6.00
PWRDF Advent Outreach 2021
This Advent season (starting November 28) we are bringing our focus close to home and choosing to support the people of the Village of Lytton, B.C, in the Territory of the People. As I’m sure you remember from the news, a devastating wildfire swept through the community in late June, destroying almost everything in its path. Some residents escaped with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They have lost everything, and not all of them had insurance. Small business owners have also been severely impacted, and with them, neighbouring community residents who relied on those stores & other central services.
PWRDF immediately sent a solidarity grant of $5,000 but with over 1200 people suddenly homeless this money would not last long! Further donations to the “PWRDF Lytton Fire Emergency Fund” are accumulating, as well as funds going directly to the territory, but much is needed for future day-to-day recovery. Community members are currently scattered, living with family, friends or in hotels while they wait to hear about future plans for their home.
Our tangible support as well as our prayers will let the congregations of St. Barnabas, (relatively untouched by the fire) and St. Mary & St. Paul (located on Lytton First Nation land & totally destroyed) know that we are still thinking of them, and caring about them even if the news spotlight has moved on.
Please give what you can for this outreach.
Donations can be e-transferred to the church at:
Or donated through St. Andrew’s website:
Or brought in to the church office or at Sunday services.
Thank you for your support!!
Heather Clarke and Heather Peart
Refugee Family Update
Mansoor welcomed his wife Nadia and daughter Leah to Canada last Friday. What a beautiful reunion!!
St. Georges, Fort Langley 113th Annual ACW Bazaar.
Saturday, December 4 10am to 2pm
9160 Church Street, Fort Langley
Click on button to see poster.
Please remember the food bank during this time
Items for the Food Bank can always be dropped off during office hours or we invite people to still give money to Sources Langley Food Bank:
The Sources Community is always looking for volunteers. Check out their website -
click LEARN MORE button.
If you wish to donate to St. Andrew’s you can do so in many ways:
Weekly Offering Envelopes put in offertory plate on Sunday’s or drop off at Church or mail your donation to St. Andrew’s 20955 Old Yale Rd, Langley City BC V3A 7P8.
PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) option. Once a month, on or after the 12th, we submit to RBC our PAD file to automatically debit from your bank account. If the 12th falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, we process the file the next bank business day. To begin this process, call Carl Markwart at 604-575-3068 to provide your name and banking information. Three bank details are needed (usually taken from the bottom of a void cheque) – your bank’s transit number, bank number and your personal bank account number.
e-Transfer. You can just send it to the church’s email
or through our Canada Helps button on our website
Please keep checking in on each other!
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
20955 Old Yale Road, Langley BC V2A 7P8
Social Media
Check out our Facebook page and our Instagram page @standrewslangley