Newsletter: Winter is upon us!
Winter is here!
Hope you’re staying safe & warm!
We were hit with a ton of snow this week! It’s already melting somewhat, and a special thanks to Cathy, Fergie, Emily & Matt for helping with the shoveling at the church. If you don’t feel comfortable traveling to church this Sunday, remember that you can always zoom in on your computer, mobile device, or by telephone. Click on the Sunday worship button above for more information.
A Reflection from Emily…
If you saw the Facebook post on Thursday morning, you’ll have seen that a number of us were out shoveling the walkways and a tiny bit of the parking lot (as much as we could manage!). Later in the day, I started thinking about how shoveling snow is quite a lot like living faith.
When it snows as much as it has done this week, suddenly everything looks unfamiliar. We find ourselves asking things like “Was there a step here? Is this the ramp? Oh no, how have I ended up shovelling over grass?!”
It’s all to do with the fact that our world has suddenly changed so significantly that none of it looks recognizable. And when we are trying to find our familiar landmarks, it can be very anxiety provoking. We become afraid of taking risks in case we get hurt.
When our lives feel like this, it can be really tempting to just stand still—too worried about what might happen if we do try to step forward. But digging through that snow reminded me that when we don’t know where we are or what’s coming or we’re not sure where to step—that is exactly when we need to reach out for God’s hand.
In our humanness, we may still slip. We may still fall. But we can step forward, sure in the knowledge that God knows the way. And God will never let go of our hands. Ever.
Tuesday Bible Study has begun again on Zoom at 7pm. In this season before Lent, we’ll be having a look at the Gospel of Mark
And on Thursdays at 11am, we have a Healing Eucharist Service every week.. If you or someone you know would like to be anointed with the Holy Oil, this is the service for you. The service will also include an extended prayer time so bring your prayer concerns with you.
Our Saturday afternoon Spiritual Practice Retreat will be on the 27th this month, beginning at 2pm and going until 4:30. Our topic is the Women from Matthew’s Genealogy: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth & Bathsheba. Please sign up for the retreat on the sheet on the office window! There will be retreats on February 24th, March 30th, and April 27th. Stay tuned for those topics.
Ash Wednesday will be on Valentine's Day, February 14th. We’ll have a service in the evening at 7pm for those who would like to be marked with ashes.
Family Eucharist services will be on two Saturdays, February 17th and April 20th from 4:30-630pm. The theme in February will be Ash Wednesday, and the theme in April will be Easter! This is a fun time for the whole family and includes a bible story, some crafts and activities, Holy Communion, and pizza supper. Please mark these days in your calendar and plan to bring your whole family. And, if you are interested in helping with some of the activities, Cathy & I are going to have a short meeting to make some plans. Please let me or Cathy know if you would like to help out!
The Annual Vestry Meeting (which is the church’s AGM) will be held on Sunday, February 25th after the 10am service. We’ll begin the meeting in the church at about 11:30 am. If you are interested in helping with coffee or snacks for the meeting, please speak to Cathy or to Marsha.
We have noticed that there are a good few people in our congregation who are of an age to be Confirmed in the Anglican Church. Depending on interest, we’ll run a confirmation preparation class in the fall of 2024. So if you or someone you love would like to be Confirmed, please let me know! Teens and adults welcome.
Choir Practice
Click the link below to download the choir schedule for the season up to Easter!
Care Home Ministry
Harrison Landing: Wed, Feb 14 at 2pm
Harrison Pointe: Thurs, Feb 15th at 2pm
Check in with your Giving!
PAD users, please check your bank statements to ensure that you are giving the correct amount to the church. Please speak to Cathy if you see anything amiss.
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,