Newsletter: Christmas is coming...
This coming Sunday we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent. We are reminded by John that Jesus is the light coming into the world, and that when it comes to helping others to see that light, we must get ourselves out of the way. The culture we live in today emphasizes self-aggrandizement at the expense of the well-being of the communities around us. This week we are invited to imagine a world where personal and community well-being take the place of shameless self-promotion and insecure narcissism. What would the world be like if we all allowed ourselves to decrease so that others might increase?
Write your number!
When you give an offering envelope to the church, please remember to write your name or your tax receipt number on the envelope!
Care Home Ministry
We will visit Harrison Pointe at 2pm on Thursday, December 21st.
It would be great to have some strong singers join us to help with the Christmas Caroling!
January dates are as follows:
Harrison Landing: Wednesday, January 17th at 2pm
Harrison Pointe: Thursday, January 18th at 2pm
Thursday Morning Healing Eucharist
I have had a number of people ask if I will start up the Thursday Morning Healing Eucharist again. We will give it a try in the new year! Beginning on Thursday, January 11th at 11am and then continuing every Thursday, we will have Eucharist in the Sanctuary. The service will include anointing with the holy oil and an extended prayer time where we can pray for all the needs of the world and the community. We will NOT have bible study at this time. Please let me or Emily know if you plan to attend this service. A minimum of 5 or 6 people would be ideal.
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year! On Sunday December 24, we will have the regular 8am and 10am services, and then a special Christmas Eve Eucharist at 7pm. Then on Monday, December 25th, we’ll celebrate Christmas Day at 10am.
The following Sunday is December 31, New Year’s Eve. Because so many people will be away, we will cancel the regular Sunday services at St Andrew’s and invite you to join in at either the parish of St George, Fort Langley, or the parish of St Dunstan in Aldergrove. More information about service times will be forthcoming.
Regular Sunday services will begin again on January 7 when we will celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.
If you have any questions about this, please connect with the office.
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,