Newsletter: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to you all!

Thanks to everyone for all your hard work over the last little while as we’ve worked to put together Holy Week and Easter. Special thanks to Heather P, Paulene, and the altar guild for keeping up with all the work in the sanctuary, to Alison & Maureen for coordinating Easter flowers, and to the choir for singing so beautifully!. Special thanks also to Lorie and the team that helped to host the Holy Saturday Retreat. Tuesday bible study and the Thursday morning Eucharist will restart next week.

St Andrew’s staffing news…

There’s not much new to report on the staffing front. We had a candidate that we interviewed to be an Administrative Coordinator in the office, but in the end she decided this wasn’t the job for her. And we still haven’t had any luck finding someone to help out with Family Ministries. The wardens and I are planning to rethink the kind of help we want and the kind of job we will post. Our hope is to create a Family Ministry Assistant job which will include some volunteer management, some event planning, some communications work, and a commitment to help with children’s ministry on Sunday morning. We are hoping to be able to pay for between 16 and 20 hours of work per week which will cost the parish between $20,000 and $25,000 annually in salary and benefits. Please stay tuned for more information, and start to wonder about who you know who might want a job like this one.

Fundraising for a new piano…

With our new sanctuary renovations, our church space is ideal for renting to musical groups that want to put on concerts. After some conversation with people who are connected to these kinds of groups, it is becoming clear that we need a new and better piano to make our space more appealing as a rental space. Maureen is currently doing some research to discover what a good piano might cost us. Please begin to consider if you have some funds you might like to contribute to a new piano for St Andrew’s.

Family Eucharist Service

saturday, april 15th, 4:30pm-6pm

Join us for an Easter celebration with the children & families of the parish. We will read the story of the Road to Emmaus, celebrate Easter communion, and then eat pizza and play games. Please drop us a line to let us know if you and your family are able to come!

If you are planning to come, please remember to bring a donation to the food bank from each child.

Spring Yard Clean-up

Beginning this Saturday, March 25th at 9am, I will be at the church Saturday mornings from 9am to noon to open up the church and the shed to facilitate yard clean up. There are leaves to rake up, weeds to pull, soil to add to gardens, stumps to remove etc. etc. etc. If you feel able-bodied enough to come and do some of this work, please join us! And if you don’t feel able-bodied enough to help with this work, please consider donating coffee & tea or donuts to keep the crew sustained.

If you are someone who thinks they would like to help with the lawn cutting over the summer, please speak with Cathy Barnes. She will do up the schedule in the next couple of weeks.

Please let me know if you or someone you know would like a clergy person to reach out to them!

With love,


the Rev Andrew Halladay, Vicar

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