Newsletter: Hello March!
Looking ahead after the Vestry meeting…
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Annual Vestry Meeting!
We elected a new council! Stuart, Cathy & Alison will continue on as Wardens, Brian as the treasurer, and the other returning members are Bill, Lesley, Heather C, Judi and Clarke. New council members are Erin H and Ellen. And we say thanks to those council members who are completing their term: Rosemary, Bev and Jamie.
In addition to regular annual motions regarding the budget, signing authorities, and the licensing of Chalice Administrators, we made two important decisions. First is that we voted to continue on in the property development process. This means going ahead in partnership with the Vancouver Oddfellows Society to complete a feasibility study for our property. This will give us a sense of what is possible in terms of property development for our church site.
The second set of decisions we made were regarding staffing at the church. We will continue to search for a new parish administrator and a children/family minister, both working somewhere between 8 & 12 hours per week. We also voted to increase the clergy compensation from 70% to 80%. This motion was passed in tandem with a motion to create a committee to work on stewardship and revenue generation for the church. If you would like more information about this, please be in touch with Andrew or any of the Wardens.
Mark your calendars for some upcoming important dates:
Ash Wednesday - March 5 at 7pm
Online Lenten Bible Study - begins Tuesday, March 11 at 7pm
Family Eucharist - Saturday, March 29, 4:30-6pm
Mission to Seafarers
As you know, this past Christmas we collected donations for the Mission to Seafarers Christmas at Sea program. The Rev. Peter Smyth who is the Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers shared the following video so that we can see the impact of our sharing. If you’d like to learn more, check out their YouTube page or their webpage. Peter will be with us this coming Sunday, March 2, to preach and preside and so you can also speak with him directly!
What’s on weekly
Said Eucharist on Sundays, 8am
Sung Eucharist on Sundays, 10am
(followed by social time)
Healing Eucharist on Thursdays, 11am
Choir Practice on Thursdays, 7pm
Care Home Ministry
Next services:
Langley Gardens - Tues, Mar 18, 2pm
Harrison Landing - Wed, Mar 19, 2pm
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,