Newsletter: Looking forward to Vestry…
St Andrew’s Annual Vestry meeting
This month we’re getting ready for the annual meeting which takes place after the 10am service on the last Sunday of the month. We’ll be talking about three big issues which will be outlined in this newsletter in more detail over the coming weeks.
This week, I want to draw your attention to the new licensing process that the Diocese has put in place for lay ministry. I’ll direct your attention to the latest issue of the Topic (which is the Diocesan newspaper) for an article on the front page written by the Rev. Jessica Schapp. Please do consider if God is calling you into these kinds of ministries in the church!
Mark your calendars for some upcoming important dates:
Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging - February 22, 1:30-4pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - February 23 after the 10am service at 11:15
Ash Wednesday - March 5 at 7pm
Family Eucharist - Saturday, March 29, 4:30-6pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - Feb 23, 11:15am
Please start thinking about our upcoming annual meeting. The issues we’ll be talking about are potential property development projects, licensed lay ministry, and staffing at the church. Stay tuned for more information on each of these issues!
Help us raise funds for the Children’s Ministry
If you are interested in buying seeds but are intimidated by the computer, Ellen will be available after church on Sunday to help you place an order.
What’s on weekly
Said Eucharist on Sundays, 8am
Sung Eucharist on Sundays, 10am
(followed by social time)
Healing Eucharist on Thursdays, 11am
Choir Practice on Thursdays, 7pm
Care Home Ministry
Next services:
Langley Gardens - Tues, Feb 18, 2pm
Harrison Landing - Wed, Feb 19, 2pm
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,