Newsletter: Welcome February!
Welcome to February!
This month we’re getting ready for the annual meeting which takes place after the 10am service on the last Sunday of the month. We’ll be talking about three big issues which will be outlined in this newsletter in more detail over the coming weeks.
First, we’ll be having a conversation about the process for developing the property here at the church. The property development team has done a lot of research over the past year and has found who we think is an exciting group to partner with us in this project. The next phase will be to do some more specific and official studying about what kinds of projects might be possible on our property.
The second issue to discuss is staffing and compensation at the church. We are currently without a parish administrator and we’ve bee wondering about employing a youth and family minister. In addition, there have been some questions about how we compensate our clergy. (Andrew currently works at 70% time). We don’t have an endless supply of money to compensate staff, but we do have an opportunity right now to wonder about allocate our funds when it comes to staffing.
The last issue for discussion at the annual meeting is the new Diocesan program for licensing lay ministers in the church. There will be various categories of lay ministry each with its own license (given by the bishop) and its own training. This will be an opportunity for all of us to discern how we want to participate as lay ministers going forward.
I’m looking forward to these conversations, and I hope you are planning to come and participate as we plan the future for St Andrew’s together!
Mark your calendars for some upcoming important dates:
Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging - February 22, 1:30-4pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - February 23 after the 10am service at 11:15
Ash Wednesday - March 5 at 7pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - Feb 23, 11:15am
Please start thinking about our upcoming annual meeting. The issues we’ll be talking about are potential property development projects, licensed lay ministry, and staffing at the church. Stay tuned for more information on each of these issues!
What’s on weekly
Said Eucharist on Sundays, 8am
Sung Eucharist on Sundays, 10am
(followed by social time)
Healing Eucharist on Thursdays, 11am
Choir Practice on Thursdays, 7pm
Care Home Ministry
Next services:
Langley Gardens - Tues, Feb 18, 2pm
Harrison Landing - Wed, Feb 19, 2pm
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,