Please do not respond to emails from the St Andrew’s email address asking for money!
Please be aware that the St Andrew’s email address was hacked. There was an email sent out yesterday from the St Andrew’s address, supposedly from Gabby, wondering if you’ve received her previous email. If you answered that first email, you may have received a response asking for you to send money to help purchase Amazon gift cards. Please remember that the church will NEVER ask you for money in this way. We will only collect money from you through the formal donation process, i.e. giving in the offering plates on Sunday, through the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) program, or through Canada Helps on our website. If you fall victim to a scam like this please contact the police.
We have changed the email password for the church. This should prevent whoever hacked us from continuing to use our email address. Special thanks to Erin & Corey for helping us solve this problem so quickly!
In other news…
We are still looking for someone to take charge of coordinating sign-ups for Social Time on Sundays! This involves ensuring folks are signed up on the Coffee Hour list for each week and does not necessarily include setting up or cleaning up coffee time. Please speak to Cathy or Andrew if you are willing to help out.
Mark your calendars for some upcoming important dates:
Family Eucharist - January 25, 4:30-6pm
Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging - February 22, 1:30-4pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - February 23 after the 10am service at 11:15
Ash Wednesday - March 5 at 7pm