Newsletter: Moving into the New Year!
A mild January…
Mother Nature is taking it easy on us this year!
Please welcome Erin Julihn to the St Andrew’s office! Erin is a regular attender at the 8am Sunday service where she serves at the altar, reads from the bible, and does any other job that’s helpful. She has a lot of experience working in and with non-profits. Erin will be working from 10am-noon on Tuesdays (and at other times from home) helping to manage email and phone messages as well as the increasing number of groups renting our building. Our office volunteers are also keeping busy. Heather A is in the office on Tuesdays, Ellen on Wednesdays, and Paulene on Thursdays. As well, Heather C will be working on some office things from home. Office hours continue to be 10am - noon, Tuesday through Thursday, but please phone ahead to make sure we know you’re coming!
We are looking for someone to take charge of coordinating sign-ups for Social Time on Sundays! This involves ensuring folks are signed up on the Coffee Hour list for each week and does not necessarily include setting up or cleaning up coffee time. Please speak to Cathy or Andrew if you are willing to help out.
Mark your calendars for some upcoming important dates:
Parish Council Meeting - January 20 at 7pm
Family Eucharist - January 25, 4:30-6pm
Spiritual Retreat: the Spirituality of Aging - February 22, 1:30-4pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - February 23 after the 10am service at 11:15
Ash Wednesday - March 5 at 7pm
Annual Vestry Meeting - Feb 23, 11:15am
Please start thinking about our upcoming annual meeting. The issues we’ll be talking about are potential property development projects, licensed lay ministry, and staffing at the church. Stay tuned for more information on each of these issues!
What’s on weekly
Said Eucharist on Sundays, 8am
Sung Eucharist on Sundays, 10am
(followed by social time)
Healing Eucharist on Thursdays, 11am
Choir Practice on Thursdays, 7pm
January 16
Join us in the lounge, 1-3pm
Care Home Ministry
Next services:
January 15, 2pm - Harrison Landing
January 21, 2pm - Chartwell, Langley Gardens
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,