Newsletter: June-uary?
Boot Sale!
Please speak to Rosemary for more information, if you would like to volunteer, or if you would like rent a parking space!
Church Barbecue Sunday, June 23!
Join us after the 10am service for food, fun and fellowship. There is a sign up sheet on the office window for you to bring all the fixin’s. Bring your whole family!
Fundraising for a new piano!
The most cost effective new pianos available cost somewhere in the realm of $55,000 - $60,000. We have raised over $10,000 so far. Help us get to $15,000! Please consider if you are able to donate. Leave your donation in the piano bench by the door of the church!
Remember to identify your offering envelopes!
Due to the number of new people both attending the church and working at the church, please ensure that your name and/or offering number are clearly marked on any and all offering envelopes! We want to make sure that we can credit you for the monetary gifts you give to the church.
Please make sure that your name and/or offering number are clearly marked on your envelopes!
Studies and Events!
Tuesday Bible Study in ongoing until the end of June.
The Thursday Healing Eucharist is on this week. Please come if you are in need of healing prayers for yourself or someone you love.
Care Home Ministry in May
Wed, June 19th 2pm Harrison Landing
Thu, June 20th 2pm Harrison Pointe
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,