Newsletter: What it means to be an Archdeacon and more...
Click here for the Weekly Info Sheet
click here for the draft minutes of the vestry meeting
What it means to be an archdeacon…
Most of you will know that last summer the bishop appointed me to be the Archdeacon of Lougheed. The Archdeaconry of Lougheed stretches from Langley and Maple Ridge all the way out to Hope. Being an Archdeacon means that I share some of the bishop’s ministry in the Anglican parishes out here in the Fraser Valley. I help parishes that are facing conflict or some other kind of challenge, and I help parishes that are in transition and looking for a new clergy person to work with them. In the short time I’ve been Archdeacon, I’ve helped St John’s, Sardis and St Matthew’s, Abbotsford find new priests. Currently, I’m working on this same process with St Dunstan’s in Aldergrove and St George’s in Fort Langley. As you can imagine, this ministry takes up some time and energy, and I appreciate your prayers for me and for the parishes in transition.
For those who are interested, I will be collated as Archdeason at the annual Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. (Collated here just means getting things in proper order.) The Chrism Mass takes place on the Tuesday of Holy Week (March 26th this year) at 12noon at the Cathedral downtown. This is the service when the bishop blesses all of the Holy Oil that we use for anointing through the year. You are all invited to come if you are able! Even if you can’t come, please pause and say a prayer for me and the other Archdeacons at noon on the Tuesday of Holy Week.
Quick Schedule Change!
Due to my responsibilities as an Archdeacon, I will be at a service at St John’s, Sardis in the evening on March 11th to welcome the new rector. This means I have asked to move Parish Council to Monday, March 18th, which also means moving choir practice back to Monday, March 11th. So sorry to everyone for all the confusion!
Meet Octavio…
Octavio recently started attending the 8am service on Sundays and is currently looking for a new place to live.
My Name is Octavio Avilés-Villaseñor. I have been lucky enough to find this congregation in one of the most difficult times in my life. I first arrived in Canada more than 15 years ago following my heart (my now ex-fiance). In Montréal, we looked for a better life from that in our native México and, doing our best, we moved to Vancouver to finally become Canadian citizens. I was working for a radioisotope company as a Business Director and Marketing Manager in México ( IsoSolutions ) and the Caribbean, and for a software enterprise. She then was offered a great opportunity for a career advancement in London, UK, where I was granted a MA in Marketing Communications from Westminster University of Business. Very soon we split up and I decided to come back to Canada - after spending some time in Guadalajara, México with my mother - to resume my career on my own.
Covid hit while I was working at as a customer service representative in a start-up in downtown Vancouver. I was laid off with a written commitment to rehire me, but as a result of the covenant break, my EI ran out and I couldn't afford rent. I ended up living in shelters and working for the first time in my life as a construction worker - where I developed a lung condition - to pay for my credit card, until I found help from the Salvation Army and from WorkBC (Retraining Skills Program).
It has been almost two years living in the Salvation Army shelter (my time for my staying there is up on June 7th).
I am 50ish year old Anglican - or Protestant since I was 16 years old in México - looking for a room with water, electricity and internet included for $375.00/month.
I am pretty flexible with food and customs. I love animals. I don´t smoke and I sporadically drink table wine during meals, preferably from south France, (: I also posess a WSET wine Certification :). I love Opera, Jazz and World Wide Cinema and, if my eyes allowed me, to read.
Welcome Octavio!
Lenten Food Bank Challange
Have a look and bring donations matching the theme of the week!
Lent 1 - Protein
tuna, salmon, chicken, ham, chili, stew, peanut butter…
Lent 2 - Pasta
How many different kinds of noodles and sauces can we collect?
Lent 3 - Canned fruits & vegetables
Pick something good. We don’t need any water chestnuts!
Lent 4 - Drinks
100% fruit juices, milk substitutes, coffee, tea, meal replacements…
Lent 5 - Fresh fruits & vegetables
apples, carrots, oranges, celery, onions, potatoes…
Lent 6 (Palm Sunday) - Non-food items
toothbrushes & toothpaste, menstrual products, socks, deodorant…
When choosing food donations, please consider healthy choices! Donations can also be made at the Food Bank: 208 20445 52 Ave Langley, BC, Monday to Thursday 8:30pm—4.00pm. Food donations can also be left at all local grocery stores.
Tuesday Bible Study has begun again on Zoom at 7pm. Our Lenten series will be Praying the Psalms beginning on February 20th.
And on Thursdays at 11am, we have a Healing Eucharist Service every week. If you or someone you know would like to be anointed with the Holy Oil, this is the service for you. The service will also include an extended prayer time so bring your prayer concerns with you. Through Lent, we’ll be repeating the Tuesday Bible Study session in person in the church at 10am just before the Healing Eucharist. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in this study.
Our Saturday afternoon Spiritual Practice Retreat will be on the 30th of this month, beginning at 1:30pm and going until 4:45. Our topic is The Seven Last Words of Christ. Please sign up for the retreat on the sheet on the office window! There will be another retreat April 27th, where we’ll be looking at the Spiritual Practice of Pastoral Visiting.
Keep your eyes open for the Knitting Group. They usually meet on Wednesdays.
The next Family Eucharist service will be on April 20th from 4:30-630pm, and the theme will be Easter! This is a fun time for the whole family and includes a Bible story, some crafts and activities, Holy Communion, and pizza supper. Please mark this day in your calendar and plan to bring your whole family. And, if you are interested in helping with some of the activities, Cathy & I are going to have a short meeting to make some plans. Please let me or Cathy know if you would like to help out!
Care Home Ministry in March
Harrison Landing: Wed, Mar 20 at 2pm
Harrison Pointe: Thurs, Mar 21 at 2pm
Centre for Spiritual Renewal
Check out the Centre’s offerings! Click the button below…
As always, please let me know if you or anyone you know would like a visit from the clergy!
Love from,