Newsletter - Thursday, April 14
The Zoom link for both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday is:
Sunday 8:00 am Said Eucharist Service
Sunday 10:00 am Sung Eucharist Service
Tuesday 7:00 pm Online Bible Study is cancelled for April 12 & 19
Wednesday 6:30 pm Yoga
Thursday 10:00 am Eucharist
Thursday 10:30 am SPIRITUAL Practice - Meditation Walk and Art expression
This Week’s Worship
Sunday, April 17
Please join us for in-person services
(masks and socially distancing is recommended)
8 am Said Eucharist Service
10 am Sung Eucharist Service
or you can join at 10 am on Zoom
The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is:
You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422
Click on the button below to read an update on the Interior Building Upgrade project.
need help with coffee hour - there is a sign up sheet in the narthex. Please sign up to help with the making and setting up of coffee.
New sign up sheets are up for Readers, Prayers and Flowers.
Rev. Lorie Martin will be ordained into the priesthood on June 11. Details to come.
Spiritual Practices
The Thursday practices for April will be:
April 21 & 28 Meditation Walk and Art Expression
The Saturday practice for April will be:
April 30 How We Read Scripture – Facilitated by Rev. David Taylor
Upcoming Events - The Centre at St. Andrew’s. Save the date!
May 7 Grace in Grief Retreat Day - Facilitated by Rev. Lorie Martin
PWRDF Lent Outreach - Spring 2022
We can’t say it often enough but THANK YOU for your generous support of this Lenten Outreach effort. No firm goal was set, but our Vicar, Andrew, suggested $700.00. Well, guess what? On Palm Sunday the total reached $701.05!! Well done everybody!! We are still open to receive donations for this Fund, but will not be actively canvassing you after church.
I’ve included excerpts from two emails I have received recently from PWRDF:
“Thank you so much for supporting the Vaccine Equity Fund. The availability of vaccinations in many places around the world has not caught up with those of us so fortunate to be in Canada.
Thanks so much for your support!
Best wishes,
Carolyn Cummins
Director, Fundraising and Supporter Relations
“I agree with you completely every dollar counts and makes a difference.
Anslim Hameed
Donor Relations Officer
Working towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world.”
Yours in Christ,
Heather Clarke (PWRDF Parish Rep)
Heather Peart
Alison Minto
Tickets will be available from the office soon! Please make cheques out to Vancouver Orpheus Male Choir.
Langley Meals on Wheels has been supporting the Langley Community since 1979 and is looking for volunteers in both our Langley and ‘new’ Aldergrove location.
If you have a few hours to spare Monday – Friday, we have some great, fun and rewarding opportunities.
Kitchen Helper ~ Meal Packer & Sealer ~ Meal Delivery Driver ~ Langley Office Support.
For more information please call 604-533-1679 or