Newsletter - Thursday, March 10
Sunday 8:00 am Said Eucharist Service
Sunday 10:00 am Sung Eucharist Service
Tuesday 7:00 pm Online Bible Study
Come join our Tuesday night Bible Study group for a five-week exploration of a Christian response to Mental Illness. In this time together we will learn to become more aware of our own biases and prejudices about people with mental illness, to become more comfortable understanding and talking about mental illness, and how to support people who experience mental illness and their families.
The dates are March 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th, and April 5th.
The Bible Study Zoom link is:
Wednesday 6:30 pm Yoga
Thursday 10:00 am Eucharist
Thursday 10:30 am Spiritual Practice: 40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group
Second Sunday in Lent
This Week’s Worship
Sunday, March 13
Please join us for in-person services
(please remember to wear a mask and to social distance)
8 am Said Eucharist Service
10 am Sung Eucharist Service
or you can join at 10 am on Zoom
The Zoom link for Sunday 10 am is:
You can also phone into Sunday Worship at 778-907-2071 and enter meeting code 919477422
Bishop John's Lenten Video; Link to Donate to Ukraine through PWRDF
Please find linked below a video from Bishop John Stephens.
There is a link to the YouTube post
Donations are being accepted toward PWRDF’s emergency response in support of those displaced by the invasion of Ukraine.
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is the Anglican Church of Canada’s agency for sustainable development and relief.
during lent we will be collecting food for sources food bank. Please bring items to be presented at the offertory. (some needed items are milks in tetra packaging - almond, soy, etc and parishable fruits and vegetables)
Restarting coffee hour - we are going to start coffee time up again in a couple of weeks. we will need people to help with setting up, bringing goodies and cleaning up. there is a sign up sheet in the narthex.
Daylight Savings starts on Sunday, March 13. Spring forward - move your clocks 1 hour ahead.
Spiritual Practices
The Thursday practices for March will be:
Feb 24 - Apr 7 40 Day Lent Prayer Study/Practice Group
The Saturday practice for March will be:
Mar 26 Hymns We Love and Why – Facilitated by Rev. Andrew Halladay
Working towards a truly just, healthy and peaceful world.
PWRDF Lenten Outreach – Vaccine Equity Fund March 2022
Lent is a time in the church year for us to examine our lives. To consider honestly how we are living, and what we would like to change or redirect. This year we would encourage you to think prayerfully about contributing to the PWRDF Vaccine Equity Fund through the ‘Pay It Forward’ campaign. This campaign was initiated in April of 2021 and so far, more than $60,000 has been donated.
Based on science and the experience of epidemiologists fighting other pandemics & epidemics around the world, now and over the past 100 years, it has been shown that our best protection comes from preventative measures including vaccination. Many countries cannot afford to supply their people with vaccines, so it is up to the rest of the world to help. Encouraged by our Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, several Bishops from across Canada have been urging Anglicans to pay it forward, including our own Bishop John. A suggested donation would be the cost of the vaccine you have received, but any amount would be very supportive. (Pfizer was charging $19.50 per dose, for example).
Please refer to page 3 of the PWRDF’s February 2022 issue of “Under The Sun” entitled HOPE, included with the most recent Anglican Journal, for more information. Also visit the PWRDF website.
Home - The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (
Also of interest is an interactive global map of current vaccination rates, found on the New York Times website.
Covid World Vaccination Tracker - The New York Times (
Thank you for your continued support of PWRDF.
Wishing you a Holy Lent,
Heather Clarke, PWRDF Parish Rep
Heather Peart & Alison Minto, PWRDF support in the Parish
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