August 16 Sunday Services
“But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles”
Matthew 15:18
Please join us for our online 10am service. All are welcome!
The Zoom link for Sunday August 9 at 10am is
You can also phone into Sunday Worship: dial 778-907-2071 & enter meeting code 919477422
The 8am BCP service will be in the church. Starting August 16 Holy Eucharist will be offered with strict protocols. For this service, we will allow up 30 people including the clergy and worship leaders in the church. This is to maintain social distancing inside the building. (Please refer to Vicar’s letter in the Newsletter or on Home page for more details on Covid-19 safety protocols)
The BCP & BAS bulletins used for the 8 am & 10 am services are below.
Audio recordings of both BCP and BAS services and the sermon are below.